
  1. Implant surface modification – A review. Dr. Ankur Gupta, Dr. M Dhanraj, Dr. G Sivagami The Internet Journal of Dental Science. 2009 Volume 7 Number 1.
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  3. Implant Imaging. Rachele Vishanti, Dr. Gururaj R, International Journal of Innovative Research And Development, 2013, 2: 285 – 289
  4. Implant Protected Occlusion. Yogeswari Swaminathan, Dr. Gururaj R, IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences, 2013, 11: 20 – 25
  5. Comparison of Stresses Around Dental Implants Placed in Normal and Fibula Reconstructed Mandibular Models Using Finite Element Analysis. Dr. Thiyaneswaran, Dr. Padma. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 2014, 8: 45-50
  6. Management of narrow edentulous space of two missing teeth in maxillary esthetic zone using implant as abutment with cantilevered tooth- a case report. Dr. Dinesh Ram Raja, Dr. Thiyaneswaran. International Journal of Dental Sciences and Research, 2014, 2: 76-79
  7. Comparison of tensile bond strength between implant abutment and all ceramic restoration luted with four luting agents – An In vitro study. Dr. M Dhanraj, Dr. Siddharth, Dr. Prathap. Scholars Journal of dental science. 16 -2-2015.